Helping Small Businesses Generate Customers and Sales Using Online Advertising

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Want to Get an Abundance of Qualified Leads???

This "Secret Weapon" Helps You Generate Leads Like Crazy In Any Market!!!

Sales are harder to get than ever before...after all, you're not just competing with local mom-and-pop shops.

You've got brick-and-mortars, Internet retailers, and even global competitors who can easily undercut your pricing. 

But, it's not just the insane amount of competition you face. It's also your customers. There are so many different businesses competing for their attention, it's hard to stand out.

And it's only gotten harder over the years. In 2000, your prospect had an attention span of 12 seconds. Today that number is 7 seconds. A goldfish has a longer attention span! 

These challenges explain why 50% of businesses fail in their first 5 years

You've probably tried generating leads yourself, or you've hired an agency that didn't quite deliver. And now you're skeptical about spending any more money on marketing until you can be sure it will work.

Golden Years Marketing... the answer. We're a small business too, and we know what it's like when every penny counts. We'll help you get quality leads with a website that is fully optimized to rank high on the search engines. Plus, we offer personal coaching throughout the process so you can be sure it's working for you.

So, how do you generate huge quantities of leads in the most competitive market ever??

Before I answer that, let me introduce myself. 

Hi, I'm Melvin. 

I've been generating leads and customers for close to 50 years...and long before there was internet.

We used newspapers, fliers, radio, TV, billboards and bus benches...And built a business that generated millions of dollars doing it. 

While I don't know everything there is to know about marketing, I know A LOT—especially when it comes to getting big sales numbers.

The #1 Skill that Leads to Business Success

In the years I've spent building a multi-million dollar business, I've learned that effective marketing is what sets high-performing businesses apart from their competitors. PERIOD. 

Success isn't about flashy websites, quality, or even a well-organized corporate structure. 

While all those things can certainly help, without effective lead generation marketing, they're just a waste of time, money, and effort. After all, you can have the most amazing website in the world, but if you can't get quality prospects, your sales will tank 

But where do you get great lead generation marketing? 

Well, if you're like most business owners, you've probably turned to a lead farm.

Unfortunately, with lead farms, you usually run into one of the following problems:


    While they may be able to generate leads reasonably well, that doesn't mean they can send you leads that are ready to do business with you. Successful marketing is about so much more than merely getting prospects to give you a call. It requires an understanding of consumer psychology which 95% of people who claim to be programmers and lead farms just don't have.


    Nobody knows your services better than you do. Nobody. While they might be able to get an overall understanding of your services, they'll never know the ins and outs of it as well as you do. Meaning they can't promote it as well as you'd like.


    Lead Farms aren't cheap. The “inexpensive” ones charge for a lead even though they are sending the same lead to 5 or 6 other service providers at the same time. While that may be worth it to you for them sending an interested lead, if you or your people don't call the lead back in time, another service provider will surely be getting them on the phone. You don't want to invest that much money into leads that you don't actually get to talk to.


Our Winning Formula For Getting You The Highest Return On Your Advertising Dollars!

Our Winning Formula For Getting You

The Highest Return On Your Advertising Dollars!

What Everybody Ought to know about

Golden Years Marketing

Navigating the Digital Marketing Landscape: Branding, Immediate Conversion, and Long-Term SEO

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, businesses face the challenge of crafting strategies that balance short-term gains with long-term success. This is where our marketing strategy is different from all the rest. We look at your business and show you the best options and introduce you to the differences between branding efforts, immediate customer acquisition through paid ads, and the enduring value of investing in SEO for future customer engagement.


Branding in digital marketing focuses on building a strong identity and emotional connection with the audience. It involves consistent messaging, visual elements, and storytelling across various online platforms. While branding may not yield immediate conversions, it lays the foundation for brand loyalty and trust, essential for sustained success.

Immediate Customer Acquisition (Paid Ads):

Paid advertising offers businesses the opportunity to reach their target audience swiftly and generate instant results. Whether through social media ads, pay-per-click campaigns, or sponsored content, paid ads aim to drive immediate action, such as website visits, form submissions, or purchases. However, they require ongoing investment and may not always guarantee long-term customer retention.

Long-Term SEO (Customers Later):

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves optimizing a website's content, structure, and technical aspects to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). Unlike paid ads, SEO is a long-term strategy focused on attracting organic traffic and establishing authority within a particular niche. While SEO efforts may take time to yield significant results, they offer sustainable growth and can generate valuable leads over time.

  1. Branding: Branding in digital marketing focuses on building a strong identity and emotional connection with the audience. It involves consistent messaging, visual elements, and storytelling across various online platforms. While branding may not yield immediate conversions, it lays the foundation for brand loyalty and trust, essential for sustained success.

  1. Immediate Customer Acquisition (Paid Ads): Paid advertising offers businesses the opportunity to reach their target audience swiftly and generate instant results. Whether through social media ads, pay-per-click campaigns, or sponsored content, paid ads aim to drive immediate action, such as website visits, form submissions, or purchases. However, they require ongoing investment and may not always guarantee long-term customer retention.

  1. Long-Term SEO (Customers Later): Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves optimizing a website's content, structure, and technical aspects to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). Unlike paid ads, SEO is a long-term strategy focused on attracting organic traffic and establishing authority within a particular niche. While SEO efforts may take time to yield significant results, they offer sustainable growth and can generate valuable leads over time.

Recommended Focus Areas For Business Growth

Focusing on these elements will take advantage of

identified opportunities and laydown a solid marketing

foundation to grow your business in both the short term and long term.

Contact us today and let us explain how this will work for your business!